Monday, March 12, 2012


Gracious Readers;

After the quietness of last weekend, I am now so busy I can hardly keep up!

There is some work going on in the house here, Sir Gordon and Sir Keith are busy at work, occasionally assisted by a young page boy named Jeffrey.

It seems that there are some changes being made, and there is paint being carried in, and carpets being carried out, and so on and so forth.

It is my job to keep track of the materials and supplies, and to ensure that everything is well put away at the end of the work day so that none of the in-house guests are disturbed by building supplies etc.

I very much enjoy creeping into the work areas once everyone is asleep to see what has happened during the day.

I have heard some of the guests talking about a recent news broadcast giving commentary on the “War of 1812”. This was, apparently, a war between Canada and the United States, exactly two hundred years ago. The was was really not correctly named as it went on from 1812 until 1814, and the Saint John locals actually did not become involved until January of 1813 when they marched, on foot, over about a two month period, from Fredericton to Quebec City to join in the fighting.

I do recall knowing about this war during the time that it was going on, so, this makes me at least 200 years old. Interesting to know!

Regardless, Canada and the US patched things up, each claiming victory, apparently, and have been fast friends ever since. This is good to know.

Speaking of the US, I have heard that the Lady Susan and her husband the Lord Edward are in some way connected with former US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and will be away in Boston for something to do with this. The former President has been deceased for well over half a century, and I cannot quite work out exactly what this is all about. I will inform you, dear readers, if I am able to work it out.

With all of this being said, I will close for this evening in order to go and inspect the work accomplished this day, and to ensure that all my guests have locked their doors and turned off their lights!

Yours in Knighthood

Sir Syd.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Gracious Readers;

This has been a very quiet weekend. A lot of my guests have gone on a weekend away, some, I would imagine, have gone home, but others, I would wager, are far too far away from their homes to have gone back for a weekend, so I would guess that perhaps they have gone to Halifax or perhaps even to “The Boston States” (as the older folks called New England back in the 1920’s and 30’s when there was a mass exodus from the Maritimes and Quebec to the jobs in the US.)

I happened to overhear the Lady Susan as was telling the Lady Kim that her paternal great grandparents went to Hartford, CT in the early years of the 20th century, and then her paternal grandparents went to Boston in the late 1920’s, and her grandmother’s sisters also. Many of “the girls” worked as nurses…..The Lady Susan’s late father was born in 1929 in Waltham, Mass., and apparently went back to work in the US a couple of times in his late teens and then again in his early 30’s……

The relationship between the New England States and the Canadian Maritime Provinces seems to have been far more friendly than, for instance, a similar geographical situation with which I am much more familiar, being the England/Scotland relationship. This was fraught with ill will and ill feelings for such a long time, when I was a young knight, more than a century ago…….or perhaps two or three centuries……

To tell the truth, dear readers, I cannot really work out exactly how old I am.

Some of my memories are so vivid, but others have faded over the decades and perhaps the centuries….

Yours in Knighthood

Sir Syd.